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April 14, 2006


Chubby Bald Man

I'm stunned at what this image actually means. When I first saw it - the downward angle, the bars, the institutional "flatness" of the teal (?) door against the way-too-happy yellow - I felt dread. Revulsion (in the sense that i didn't want to look any more). And then I read what it was.

Even though INTELLECTUALLY I know it to be true that things are almost never what they seem, emotionally I still react to the seeming rather than the being. In base society this is probably good and useful... but we live within a complex artificial hierarchy: civilization. I must work harder to weigh my emotional responses.

I don't like the photo. I don't like the chipped concrete paint. I don't like to look at it. But it is very intertesting and thought provoking and I suppose that makes it good. Thanks for posting. Tomorrow I will make it my mission to look more closely at the things around me.

Bruce Moore

Thanks CBM - it is the dichotomy of imagery I seek. The tension between our perceptions and other realities, and paths to resolve them.

LE Bonow

Just stumbled onto this photo and you are so WRONG. This particular doorway was once the entrance to the BBC Studio, the Ola Wyola Boutique and artist studio spaces for 15 years. The PHG management were the meanist people I know. They really don't have any respect for the poor people they house. They just do it for the money. PHG was always rude and evil to me and treated me like dirt although I paid them thousands, religiously every month they never fixed anything and complained about me non stop. The alley was the worst in the city, fetid rotting garbage mixed with human waste. They never fixed the problem until I moved out!
That was MY doorway my steps leading to one of the most artistic domaines in Belltown from 1990 till 2005. If you want an image of PHG just put up a picture of a two faced liar and that would be mor apt.


Wow, 4 months to the day of the original post and this fellow find HIS doorway and tells his story. This blog thing is remarkable.

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